Here are a list of Activities that have attended activity fairs in the past and other OIS students have attended.
American Football - Oslo Vikings
Email: junioransvarlig@gmail.com Web: http://oslovikings.com/
Art Club Emma Davis
Phone: 997 96 775 Contact: Emma Davis Email:emma@apent-verksted.com Web: http://www.apent-verksted.com/
Asker Figure Skating Club
Email: skoyteskole@akk.no
Baerum Swimming Club - Classes for adults as well and triathlon
Contact: Victoria Corbett Email: hege@barumsvommerne.no Web: http://www.barumsvommerne.no/
Bajazz Ballet Studio
Phone: 936 69 999 Contact: Vibeke Email: vibeke@bajazz.no Web: http://www.bajazz.no/
Ballerud Golf
Phone: 478 82 473 Contact: Simon Page Email: junior@ballerud.no Web: http://www.ballerud.no/
Baseball Rud
Contact:Jeff James Email: jamestpe@hotmail.com
Phone: 942 88 254 Contact: Kristin Pipoca Email: CDONORGE@gmail.com
Den Norske Ballet DNBS
Phone: 908 36 330 Contact: Madaleine Email: madeleine@dnbs.no Web: http://www.dnbs.no/nb/
Fossum Sports Club - Football, Alpine skiing, Ski jumping, Biathlon, XC Skiing, Orientation Run
Phone: 412 46 312 Contact: Tone Malm Meinich Hvam Email: tone@fossumif.no Web: http://www.fossumif.no/
Hot Bikram Yoga
Phone: 400 66 222 Contact: Joachim Skibenes Email: info@hotbikramyoga.no Web: http://www.hotbikramyoga.no//
Contact: Mary Schoemann Email: icon.oslo.president@gmail.com
ICON Gym Bekkestua
Phone: 984 48 858 Contact: Stian Email: resepsjon.bekkestua@icon.no Web: http://www.icon.no/
Irish Dance
Contact: Mairi Fersuson Email: mairi.ferguson@live.com
Jar Isforum - Curling, Skating and Ice Hockey
Phone: 936 77 777 Contact: Morten Email: curling@jarisforum.no Web: http://www.jarisforum.no/
Jardar IL - Sports Clubs - Football, Handball, Ski Jumping, XC Skiing, Gymnastics (from 40 and cycling.
Phone: 674 86 500 Email: post@jardar.no Web: http://www.jardar.no/
Kolsas Skiskole - Courses for Kids and Adults
Contact: Hanne Ebbesen Email: hanne@kolsas-skisentre.no Web: http://kolsasbakken.no/
Krav Maga Academy -Martial Arts
Phone: 981 13 927 Email: Info@kravmagaacademy.no
Norsk Fottbalakademi
Phone: 936 98 470 Contact: Thierry Kopp Email: post@f-a.no Web: http://www.f-a.no/
OHIL sports club - Football, Skiing, Bandy, Soft/Baseball and Handball
Phone: 950 36 480 Contact: Kirsten Vanberg Email: kirsten@ohil.no Web: http://ohil.no/
Oslo Golf Club
Contact: Jan Email: junior@oslogk.no Web: http://www.oslogk.no/
Oslo International Music School
Contact: Lirica Yamase Email: lirica.yamase@gmail.com Web: http://oslointernationalmusicschool.jimdo.com/
Oslo Rock School
Contact: Miriam Martol Email:oslorockschool@gmail.com Web: www.oslorockschool.com
Oslo Skating at Frogner Stadion - Figure and Speed Skating
Phone: 924 62 445 Contact: Ingar Lae Email: skoyteskolen@oslosk.no Web: http://www.oslosk.no/home/
Ostern Brug Horse Riding
Contact: Siri Email: rideskolen@ostern.no Web: http://www.ostern.no/
SATS Elixia - Gym
Phone: 951 88 043 Contact: Dennis Sundstrom Email: dennis.sundtrom@satselixia.no Web: http://www.sats.no/satselixia
Shine Drama School
Contact: Lisa Stromme Email: lisa@ldstromme.no
Smagardistene - Stabaek Marching Band
Contact: David Email: davidclabby@btinternet.com
Stabaek IF - sports club - Football, Bandy (ice hockey), Handball and Alpine skiing.
Phone: 472 90 193 Contact: Michael Soderstrom Email: stabakif@online.no Web: www.stabakif.no
Stabekk IL - Stabekk Sports Club - Handball, Soccer, Skiing and Bandy
Email: post@stabaekif.no Web: https://www.stabakbandy.no
Stabekk Tennis
Phone: 948 83 618 Contact: Espen Foss Email: espen@srndpty.com Web: http://stabekktennis.no/
Stabekk Turnforening (gymnastics)
Phone: 924 72 727 Contact: Brenda Garbin Email: adm@stabekkturn.no Web: http://stabekkturn.no/
Tanum Riding School
Phone: 911 83 325 Contact: Ingvild Lillefjaore Email: ingvild@tanumrideskola.no Web: http://www.tanumrideskole.no/
Tryvann Skiskole - Alpine skiing, snowboarding and trick school
Phone: 988 42 002 Contact: Jenny Ann Fosse Email: jenny@tryvann.no Web: www.oslovinterpark.no
Tyrving - Track and Field age groups from 6 - 18 years
Phone: 452 04 125 Contact: Matias Lavik Email: friidrett@tyrving.no Web: http://tyrving.idrerr.no/10/f/