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 Set schedule of OISPA events and meetings (end of prior school year) 

 Ensure publication of schedule in the Communicator and OISPA webpage 

 Lead OISPA meetings, including setting agenda items (in coordination with Secretary) 

 Work with event leads as needed to facilitate event planning, communication 

 Work on recruitment for following year’s officers/event coordinators 


 Compile and distribute meeting agendas and minutes 

 Take meeting minutes at OISPA meetings 

 Manage OISPA e-mail account, responding to inquiries or forwarding to appropriate people 

 Weekly submission of information to be included in the Communicator

 Manage Dropbox  & help manage OISPA Facebook page


 Maintain monthly financial accounts and records for OISPA 

 Obtain receipts and process reimbursements, as needed 

 Manage annual OISPA registration with appropriate Norwegian authorities (Brønnøysundregistrene) 

 Handle all registered/authorized users in bank accounts 

 Compile year-end statements 

 Attend monthly OISPA meetings to present financial status and any financially-related items 

 Prepare the card terminal (iZettle) and cash boxes required for all OISPA events 

 Work with Awards lead to process Overall Achievement Awards

 Manage disbursement of funds for the Allocations program in coordination with the OIS treasurer and the program Coordinator 


 DropBox folder: General/New Families 

 Obtain list of new families from Suzi Andersen at beginning of year and at the beginning of each month 

 Contact new families to welcome them to OIS and inform them about OISPA 

 Notify HD&S payment card coordinator about new families 

 Compile OISPA materials for inclusion in New Family packet sent out by Suzi Andersen 

 Arrange (if desired) an existing family mentor to help new family with “life in Norway” questions 

 Coordinate the involvement of the OISPA at Welcome Events & Activities Fair with the Community Activities Manager

 Print event volunteer sign-up sheets for displaying at OISPA and school events

 Distribute sign-up sheets to teacher classrooms at orientation nights, encourage teachers to advertise OISPA 

 Distribute volunteer sign-up information to Event Coordinators 

 Throughout the school year, actively assist event coordinators with volunteer recruitment (send e-mails seeking volunteers to class reps, send notices to Communications Coordinator for inclusion in HoS Communicator, etc. 


 Manage OISPA Facebook page – accepting new members, posting notices about events and meetings, removing inappropriate posts as needed 

 Manage OISPA website – ensure content is up to date (remove past events, ensure upcoming events are on front page, add special OIS/OISPA notices as necessary, post monthly OISPA meeting minutes once approved.). 

 Manage 5 OISPA bulletin boards (locations: fence outside Lower Primary entry door; gate near stairs on side of gym; directly inside main entry door) to ensure timely and accurate content. 

    1. Inside bulletin board should contain: 

       * Full year events calendar,  

       * OISPA Meetings calendar 

       * OISPA contact information (Facebook, e-mail, website), 

       * Upcoming events posters, 

       * HD&S information 

       * Executive Committee information (names, titles, e-mail addresses)

     2. Stairs bulletin board should contain: 

        * Full year events calendar 

        * OISPA contact information 

        * Upcoming events posters 

        * In-Person HD&S payment card sales dates 

     3. Fence bulletin board should contain: 

        * Upcoming events poster(s) (large font, summary info only; see Dropbox)                                                                            

        * OISPA website address , OISPA meeting dates, HDS service dates & HDS card sales dates

        * This bulletin board can also be used by OIS staff and students for advertising school events. 

     4.  The BIG OISPA cork board across from our kitchen by the lobby.  This must have the décor/ themes changed with          the seasons/ holidays and updated with events/ posters about every 2 weeks at least!!!  Items can be either stapled            or pinned to board.  Decorations for board can be found inside the top 2 drawers of metal filing cabinet in the OISPA        kitchen.  Must contain:

          *Upcoming events/ meetings announcements

          *Full year events calendar

          *HDS information – food ingredients list, service dates, HDS card sales dates.


*****Keep this board bright and eye catching!!!  It’s probably the main board that people notice and actually read.

      5.  The shared Corkboard next the MPH by the side school door:

          *  OISPA meeting calendar

          *  HDS Service Dates

          *  HDS card sales dates

 Manage event advertising – contact event coordinators to obtain flyers/notices/posters, ensure information is posted in Communicator, OISPA Facebook page, website, bulletin boards. Event advertising should be started no later than two weeks before the event. Omar Nouri ( is responsible for TV monitor content, e-mail him with event details. Large (A3) size posters should also be placed on entrance/exit doors (main entrance, both Secondary school entrance doors, Lower Primary door, Reception/Pre-school dismissal door) 


 DropBox folder: HDS/Payment Cards 

 Process online HDS payment card orders using DropBox spreadsheets 

 Manage K to Y2 HDS standing order system 

 Prepare and maintain tracking sheets for non-paying students (mark new cards once ordered for past “purchases”, maintain list of 'repeat' offender' students that are not allowed to get hot dogs/smoothies due to chronic non-payment (3 or more weeks of non-payment) without a HDS card

 Deliver online orders to school prior to each Wednesday’s service 

 Manage payment card re-orders as supplies run low (Vistaprint account) 

 Organize in-person payment card sales at beginning of school year, during Spirit Wear/Refleksdagen sale, beginning of January (after winter break), and at other OISPA events (Trunk-or-Treat, Book Fair). Prepare spreadsheet for tracking sales/cash during each sale period. 

 Work with Communications Coordinator to advertise in-person card sales 

 Prepare and distribute in-person sales advertising flyers for dissemination in Primary blue bags 

 Prepare beginning of service/end of service/service cancellation flyers/communications (notice for TV monitors – send to IT staff) at appropriate times and distribute to Primary via blue bags, send information to John Town for communication with Secondary. 

 Faciliatate HDS service training for each team during their first service (first 5 services of school year) – request that volunteers arrive 30 minutes prior to service start to receive training 




 In coordination with the Executive Committee decide how many allocation processes will be held that school year 

 Compile and release allocations applications (set deadline, etc.) 

 In coordination with the communications team, advertise in all available communications channels. Ask HoS to post in Its Learning, Staff room. 

 Collect and compile completed applications. 

 Schedule an allocation meeting to award funds. 

 In coordination with the Treasurer, manage disbursement of funds 

 Follow-up awarded allocations and keep-updated information on their status. 



 DropBox folder: General/Awards 

 Find out the graduation date set for the current school year 

 Compile and release awards applications in March/April (set deadline, etc.) 

 Evaluate applications for completeness 

 Communicate with candidates regarding their applications 

 In coordination with the Executive Committee decide who will sit in the selection committee. 

 Distribute candidate applications and scoring sheets to the members of the selection committee 

 Schedule a meeting with selection committee to make final decision on award winners. 

 Prepare award certificate, along with payment instructions, and decide which committee member will announce the winners at graduation 

 Inform the Treasurer of selected Award winners, along with their contact information, so that payments can be processed. 

 Take the awards plaque to be engraved with the winner’s names and return it to OIS.  



 Purchase and arrange transport for all necessary supplies for HDS program from StorCash or Staples.  Coordinate with other event leads around further procurement needs (You will need the StorCash and OISPA bank card)

 Manage supply inventory (including cups, napkins, ketchups, mustards, etc.), ensuring that HDS service and OISPA kitchen has necessary supplies 

 Manage weekly HDS supply order with KIWI in coordination with the HDS Administrator, to ensure proper quantities of hot dog and smoothie food supplies are ordered each week based on consumption patterns 

 Manage non-food HDS/ OISPA supply purchases with Staples (smoothie cups, straws, napkins - online ordering) 

 Purchase oat cookies as needed from IKEA 

 Order Sterno (gel burner fuel) as needed (must order at least one week in advance of need) from Culina 

 Ensure adequate supplies of items are available, and food products are both replenished and rotated by date after each service

 Monitor the overall cleanliness of the kitchen after service

 Manage BBQ gas tanks and helium cylinder to make sure they are full for OISPA events. 


 DropBox folder: HDS/Schedule & Volunteers 

 Obtain volunteer sign-up sheet from Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator 

 Obtain prior year’s re-up (volunteers from prior year that have already agreed to help with current year) list 

 Obtain Primary and Secondary lunch schedules from Andrew Brown and John Town, respectively. Adjust service time window to ensure coverage for all lunch periods 

 Obtain Primary swimming class schedule from Andrew Brown to determine if any swimming classes conflict with standard HDS service times, thus necessitating “special orders” 

 Work with Communications Coordinator to request additional volunteers via Communicator, individual parent email, etc. if necessary prior to first service 

 Set up teams for HDS service (min. 12 persons per team). Ensure new volunteers are mixed with experienced volunteers on each team, try to keep existing teams together as much as possible 

 Determine/request team captain for each team (should be an experienced volunteer, if possible) – send out team captain manual 

 Compile full-year schedule (rotation of all teams as well as Tuesday pick-up schedule)

 E-mail all volunteers about team assignments and schedule

 Arrange replacements for departing volunteers 

 Send out periodic notices to request new volunteers, as necessary (work with New Family and Volunteer Coordinator) 

 Send out reminder each week to appropriate HDS team members (may delegate this task to team captains) 

 Prepare beginning of service/end of service/service cancellation flyers/communications (notice for TV monitors – send to IT staff) at appropriate times and distribute to Primary, send information to John Town for communication with Secondary. 

 Perform HDS service training for each team during their first service (first 5 services of school year) – request that volunteers arrive 30 minutes prior to service start to receive training 

 Maintain HDS service manual, as well as any other annual updates required to manuals/ information


Drinks and snacks on school event days like Santa Lucia, May 17 Primary parade etc. Evening and after school activities and events for parents.

 Plan and coordinate OISPA social events and activities throughout the school year. E.g. Loppemarked, Trunk or Treat, Staff Appreciation, Julelunsj and further parent and student social events

 Advertise via distribution of event posters and Coordination with Communications Coordinator on Facebook, via Communicator and other school channels

 Obtain volunteer sign-up list from Volunteer Coordinator and contact volunteers to arrange staffing 

 Coordinate with Procurement Coordinator and Treasurer to purchase supplies (Glogg, pepperkaker, fruit, napkins, cups, etc) and have cash boxes and iZettle available

 Ensure the running of the event/activity with designated contact person for the event/activity and arranging for assistance with set-up and with clean-up 


 DropBox folder: Events/Book Fair 

 Obtain volunteer sign-up lists from Volunteer Coordinator 

 Attend OISPA meetings held in advance of event to discuss progress and resource needs 

 Send out message to volunteers requesting assistance (book selection, ordering set up, staffing during event, clean-up) 

 Set up volunteer schedule for pre-, post-, during-event (see Dropbox folder) 

 Set up and decorate book fair location 

 Print and distribute event flyers to Primary teachers for blue bags 

 Work with Communications Coordinator to advertise event


 DropBox folder: Events/Spirit Wear and Refleks

 Work with external company representative to set up OIS account for Spirit Wear and Refleks sales, prepare brochures, and obtain/return any sample merchandise 

 Manage advertising for Spirit Wear sale with Communications Coordinator

 Following sales, order with support from Treasurer all merchandise, arrange for volunteers to distribute on delivery

 Obtain Refleksdagen merchandise, and advertise via Communications Coordinator

 Organise volunteer lists from Volunteer Coordinator and arrange volunteers to work during Spirit Wear and Refleks  sale/s

Gamle Ringeriksvei 53,
1357 - Bekkestua
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