Most houses and apartments in Oslo and its suburbs have basic cable TV, giving access to several TV channels, both Norwegian and foreign.
In addition to cable TV, it is possible to buy a decoder and get access to most major international TV channels. If your house or apartment is not connected to cable TV there are several TV cable companies that can install this service.
The major TV cable companies are:
UPC - Customer Service: 22 62 66 66
TELENOR - Customer Service: 23 13 80 00
GET - Customer Service: 21 49 21 23
CANAL DIGITAL - Customer Service: 06090 (in Norway). They also offer satellite television service.
The standard electricity supply is 220V, 50Hz AC. Transformers can be used with some North American appliances but it is advisable to check with an expert first as items can be damaged.
Each household has three waste bins. One for paper and cardboard only, one for plastic and one for residual waste and food. The residual waste is to be put into a white plastic bag. Plastic waste goes into a blue bag, and food waste into a green bag. You will be provided with the blue and green bags or can pick them up from supermarkets.
Collection of plastic and food is now a citywide service. For questions please contact the Agency for waste management by e-mail or on 23 48 36 50.
Regular garbage is collected from private homes and businesses once a week. Recycled garbage is collected once every three weeks. Paper is separated into orange bags, while plastic is placed in clear plastic bags, both provided by the municipality. Trash collectors will not take your garbage if it is not in the approved commune bags. The commune will deliver 26 bags to your home twice a year. Additional bags can be purchased at area grocery stores.
Click here for collection dates in your neighbourhood
Glass and tin cans are recycled at a number of locations in labeled receptacles. Click here to find the location closest to you.
PANT everything. Always!
All plastic bottles and beverage cans have a deposit (PANT), that is recovered when they are returned. You can find PANT machines in most grocery stores. A conveyor belt machine will count them and give you a receipt for a refund. This refund can then be given to the cashier for cash or applied toward your grocery bill.
Only bottles/cans with the following that have the PANT sign can be returned.Remember, if you remove the the label you will not be able to return the bottle.
PANT makes a small but important effort for a great cause. There are three good reasons why everyone should PANT everything, always
Panting is environmentally.- Recycling cans and bottles is environmentally friendly. It saves raw materials, reduce emissions and allows to use significantly less energy to manufacture new products.
Panting make drinks cheaper. - The drinks are cheaper the more bottles and cans that are returned.
Panting gives you your money back.